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  • Rolling-Out Decisions for Our Covered Call Writing Trades: 3 Strategies Analyzed – March 4, 2024

    When our covered call writing strikes are expiring in-the-money (with intrinsic-value), our shares will be sold at the strike price. We may opt to retain the shares by rolling the option to a later date. This article will highlight 3 paths we can take and discuss the factors that will guide us to our final decisions.

    Hypothetical rolling scenario

    • 9/18/2023: 100 x BCI purchased at $48.00
    • 9/18/2023: STO 1 x 10/20/2023 $50.00 call at $1.50
    • 10/20/2023: BCI trading at $52.00
    • 10/20/2023: If we take no exit strategy intervention, shares will be sold at $50.00 (allowing exercise)
    • 10/20/2023: Cost-to-close the 10/20/2023 $50.00 call is $2.05
    • 10/20/2023: Bid price for the 11/17/2023 $50.00 call is $3.50 (to roll-out)
    • 10/20/2023: Bid price for the 11/17/2023 $55.00 call is $1.95 (to roll-out-and-up)

    Factors that determine which path to follow

    • Do we want to retain the shares for the next contract cycle (including no upcoming earnings report)?
    • Will the rolling calculations align with our pre-stated initial time-value return goal range (2% – 4% per-month, as 1 example)?
    • Are we bullish (favor rolling out-and-up) or bearish (rolling-out) on the overall market?

    Allowing exercise calculations using the BCI Trade Management Calculator (TMC)

    • Section 1 shows trade entries
    • The Trade Management Calculator (TMC) shows a 33-day trade, if taken through contract expiration (red circle)- section 2
    • The initial time-value return is 3.13%, 34.56% annualized (brown cells)- section 2
    • By “allowing exercise”, shares are sold at $50.00 (red arrow)- section 3
    • Section 4 shows a final realized 33-day return of 7.29%

    Rolling-out to the 11/17/2023 $50.00 strike (defensive exit strategy)

    • The net premium is $1.45 ($3.50 – $2.05)- red circle
    • The initial time-value return is 2.90%, 40.71% annualized, based on a 26-day trade (brown cells)
    • There is no upside potential or downside based on a $50.00 price (green cells)
    • Keep in mind, that shares are actually $52.00 at the time of the roll, but only worth $50.00 to us, due to our contractual obligation to sell at $50.00

    Rolling-out-and-up to the 11/17/2023 $55.00 strike (aggressive exit strategy)

    • The net premium is -$0.10 ($1.95 – $2.05)- red circle
    • The initial time-value return is -0.20%%, -2.81% annualized, based on a 26-day trade (brown cells)
    • There is 10% upside potential based on a $50.00 price (green cell)
    • Keep in mind, that shares are actually $52.00 at the time of the roll, but only worth $50.00 to us, due to our contractual obligation to sell at $50.00


    When our covered call writing strikes are expiring in-the-money, there are several exit strategy paths we can take. This article highlighted allowing exercise, rolling-out and rolling-out-and-up. Mastering and focusing in on the factors discussed will guide us to the appropriate path to take.

    Author: Alan Ellman

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