Converting a High Risk to a Low Risk Covered Call Trade – January 20, 2025
High implied volatility securities can be used in covered call trades in a defensive manner using the appropriate call strikes. In this article, Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc. (Nasdaq: NBIX) will be used to analyze the conversion process.
NBIX data on 8/15/2024 from the BCI Premium Stock Report

- Industry rank: A
- Media Analyst Rating (MAR): 1.80
- 7 weeks on BCI “eligible” list
- Initial time-value return goal range for a 1-month expiration is 2% – 4% (as 1 example)
- Implied volatility (IV): 75.6% (extremely high and risky)
The concern is the high IV which represents substantial risk to the downside.
Converting a high-risk to a low-risk trade
By opting for an in-the-money (ITM) strike, the intrinsic-value component of the premium will lower the breakeven (BE) price point substantially.
NBIX option-chain data on 8/15/2024 with NBIX trading at $146.70
- $155.00 OTM strike: $11.00 premium (BE -breakeven- at $135.70)
- $125.00 ITM strike: $25.30 premium (BE at $121.40)
- Strikes in the $170.00 – $180.00 range generate 2% – 4%
Pros & cons of the OTM strike
- 2 income streams possible if share price rises
- Higher breakeven price points than ITM strikes
- Significant initial time-value returns
Pros & cons of the ITM strike
- Significant initial time-value return
- No upside potential if share price rises
- Lower BE price points
- Intrinsic-value acts as an insurance policy, paid for by the option buyer
Deep ITM initial calculations resulting in meaningful downside protection

- Yellow cell: BE price point is $121.40, compared to current market value of $146.70 (green arrow)
- 37-day return is 2.88%, 28.41% annualized (brown cells)
- Downside protection of the time-value profit is 14.79%
- Calculations achieved with the BCI Trade Management Calculator (TMC)
Using deep ITM call strikes can convert high-IV and high-risk trades into low-risk trades, while still offering significant initial time-value potential returns.
Author: Alan Ellman